Cleaning | Comprehensive Exam | Flouride Treatment | Oral Cancer Screening
The American Dental Association recommends you see your dentist every six months. Preventive dental care can help you reduce or avoid future costs by preventing and finding potential issues sooner. Because many diseases and conditions first show signs in your mouth, good dental health and a strong relationship with your dental office are important steps in your overall health
The doctor will review all findings and discuss possible treatment options to help you achieve the smile you deserve.
Fluoride can be an important part of preventing tooth decay in patients of all ages. During your visit, we will determine your risk for dental decay by discussing your diet, home care, previous decay history, illnesses and prescription medications. Fluoride treatment can be done in the office, or at home.
In the office: Treatment can be done during your regular exam using a tray with gel or foam fluoride. A more highly concentrated fluoride varnish that is brushed onto your teeth can also be used.
At home: Options for fluoride treatment include prescription toothpastes or a daily rinse. It is important to follow all recommendations made by your dentist and to also be aware of the fluoride levels in your water.
Oral cancer can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated early. Dental Faculty Associates provides oral cancer screenings as part of your regular dental exam. There are two main risk factors for oral cancer. Smoking and tobacco use are long-term historic causes of oral cancer. In addition, the HPV-16 virus, a sexually-transmitted disease, is resulting in the fastest-growing segment of oral cancer patients being young, healthy, nonsmoking individuals.
When found early, oral cancers have an 80 to 90 percent survival rate. Dentists can be a first line of defense in identifying abnormalities in the mouth, which could be a sign of oral cancer.
Dental Faculty Associates makes it easy to afford high-quality general dentistry and easy to attain since it’s all under one roof. We tailor your care experience to your priorities and budget and don’t pressure you to get treatments you don’t want or need. We value your input and we always co-plan your care together.
Overall 5/5 rating. I had concern that an old filling had fallen out. Dr. Vega examined the area very thoroughly without evidence of cavities. While there they were also able to preform a comprehensive exam and cleaning within the appointment time. No dental hygienist was available to preform the cleaning so Dr. Vega volunteered so that I wouldn’t have to come back to clinic. I greatly appreciated this gesture. Also, the overall environment of the clinic from exam rooms facing outside to the relaxing music playing all made this experience a very great dental visit. The front office staff were very friendly and helpful as well. I highly recommend this practice for all your dental needs.
Very pleasant experience. Both the dental hygienist, Brandi and the dentist serving me (can't remember his last name, it was my first time treated by him) were very professional and gentle examining and treating me. I particularly appreciated the teeth scaling conducted by the traditional manner - manually - not using the ultrasound device. The vibrations of the ultrasound device leave my teeth feeling traumatized.
Great gentle cleaning always quality service from the front of the office to the back where the exams take place.